Monday 26 September 2011

Cern Claims Neutrons Travel Faster Than The Speed Of Light

Scientists have said they have clocked subatomic particles traveling faster than light – a feat that, if true, would break Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity and undermine laws that underpin physics.

The Cern team says a neutrino beam fired from a particle accelerator near Geneva to a lab 730km (454 miles) away in Italy traveled 60 nanoseconds faster than the speed of light.

They calculated the margin of error at just ten nanoseconds, making the difference statistically significant.

The researchers have asked others to independently verify the data before claiming the discovery.

‘We have not found any instrumental effect that could explain the result of the measurement,’ said Antonio Ereditato, a physicist at the University of Bern, Switzerland, who was involved in the experiment.

But other experts have remained cautious.

‘This would be such a sensational discovery, if it were true, that one has to treat it extremely carefully,’ said physicist John Ellis.

‘The feeling that most people have is this can’t be right, this can’t be real,’ said James Gillies, a spokesman for Cern, which also hosts the massive Large Hadron Collider which did not take part in the experiment.

Einstein insisted nothing could travel faster than light – 300,000km (186,282 miles) a second.

He reasoned something that travels faster than light would, in theory, arrive before it left.

Special relativity, which helps explain everything from black holes to the Big Bang theory about the origins of the universe, underlies ‘pretty much everything in modern physics,’ added Mr Ellis. ‘It has worked perfectly up until now.’

He also warned that the neutrino researchers would also have to explain why similar results weren’t detected before, such as when stars exploded.

There was no doubt that the use of natural course. Alvaro de Rujula, where the neutron beam of the CERN, Geneva, previously undetected by the European Organization for Nuclear Research, a theoretical physicist, human error to blame for reading. When you open the doors to the wild, and it is great. De Rujula the average person, "as a theory, back to the time of travel and the world before they kill her mother." Said However, science fiction stories Ereditato intimidate his team and kept them at night.  
"We are continuing the investigation, and we will wait patiently for"
The AP said. "Everyone can do. This is a dream" Then, "I'll tell you my dreams." He said 


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